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  • hannahvalente

What a wonderful world!

This weekend, Claire and I traveled to Cairns to see one of the natural wonders of the World, the Great Barrier Reef. What I learned on board our tour vessel is that the Great Barrier Reef is the size of Japan! Pretty amazing. The waves and weather unfortunately was not the greatest but the reefs were incredible. It was hard to believe that we were actually there! We saw a sea turtle swim up from the reef to the surface to hang with us and thousands of beautifully colored fish. As a marine biology nerd, I was amazed at just about everything I saw! God really outdid himself when he created the oceans and the life within them!

Today was a really great day at St Lucy’s. The seal class started their day as usual with assembly and morning song and circle. They then had music and then we had “news” where students can share what they did over the weekend. This is always a great part of the day as the kids get a chance to share and to speak in front of their class. Today was had a special guest, the principal of St Lucy’s! Recess was very special today as the kids were able to get toys out of the very special but very locked shed on the playground! The kids were so excited and quite frankly I was too to finally see what was inside the shed!

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